RCIA is the Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults. However it’s not only for those who wish to become Christian, but is also for anyone in another denomination who is thinking of becoming Catholic. Anyone who is ‘enquiring’ into what Catholics believe and the possibility of becoming a Catholic Christian is normally called an ‘enquirer’.
The Church has a programme, referred to as RCIA, which helps answer the enquirer’s questions and prepares them to be received into full communion with other Catholics. The length of time this will take depends on the starting point of each individual enquirer. Some may be adults brought up as Catholics who are returning to the Church after several years of non-attendance. Others may have been well-acquainted with other Christian
communities, whilst others may have no idea about Christianity at all.
For all enquirers, there will be a Rite of Welcoming, and some (referred to as ‘catechumens’) may need to be baptized before they can proceed further. Most will then be prepared for the Sacraments of the Holy Eucharist, Confession, and Confirmation. This is undertaken by the Parish priest, helped by a team of Catechists.
In our Parish, we run the programme once a year. This culminates at the Easter Vigil Service when the sacraments are conferred. Sometimes, depending on individual need, more than one programme may be run during the year.
An RCIA course will be provided for those wishing to enter the Catholic Church, from September each year.
Anyone interested should contact the Parish priest.