COVID-19 (Coronavirus) Pandemic
Updated 17 July 2022:
Our church is open for the celebration of Mass and personal prayer. This is vital to our spiritual health and wellbeing. However COVID-19 case numbers remain high and it is important that we continue to all take steps to reduce the spread of infection, particularly in order to protect vulnerable members of our community, by continuing to follow the requirements of social distancing, sanitising and wearing masks.
Face coverings
Please note that although no longer mandated by law, we ask that face coverings (covering your nose and mouth) continue to be worn inside the Church. This will keep you and others safe and it will make others feel comfortable to come and pray.
Sunday obligation
Attending Mass on Sundays and Holy Days is the greatest of all privileges, sometimes referred to as “the Sunday Obligation.” During the pandemic, the Sunday obligation had been suspended. We thank God that this situation has now changed. The Bishops of England and Wales have released a statement (full version here) confirming their belief that the reasons which prevented Catholics from attending Mass on Sundays and Holy Days of Obligation no longer apply. All Catholics who have not yet done so are invited to return to attending Mass in person.
We have benefitted during these difficult times from the online streaming of Mass and other services. “Virtual viewing” of Mass online however, does not fulfil the Sunday obligation, although it may continue to be a spiritual comfort for those who cannot attend Mass in person, for example the elderly and sick, for whom the obligation does not apply.
We have guidelines given to us by the Government and our Archbishop, as detailed below. We ask for your help, cooperation and understanding in adhering to these:
Hygiene and Sanitisation
As you enter and exit, please sanitise your hands.
If you cough or sneeze, cover your mouth and nose with a tissue or the crook of your sleeved arm (not your hands). Throw the tissue away hygienically immediately afterwards. Then sanitise your hands with hand sanitiser.
It is no longer necessary to sanitise the place where you sit or anything you touch.
Donations to the Church
Please make online donations to the Church or via standing order.
We have restarted taking cash collections during the mass.
Boxes for cash offerings are also placed at the entrance of the Church.
The Communion Rite
We continue to offer each other the sign of peace through bowing to each other with hands in prayer rather than by handshake.
Holy Communion will be given in hand only.
Maintain distance at the receiving of Holy Communion.
Stand with your arm fully stretched to maintain social distancing.
Your palms upwards, one on top of the other, should be extended as flatly as possible.
General Guidelines
Holy Water stoups at the Church doors have been refilled. This water will be changed every week.
There is no need of formal social distancing in the church building, although those present should be sensitive to the needs of others around them.
Congregational singing will continue at the 9.30 am and 11.30 am Masses.
Parents should manage their children appropriately, particularly ensuring they touch as few surfaces as possible for their own and others' safety.
Any items brought by you should be taken away and not left in the Church.
Stay at Home
Anyone who has symptoms of COVID-19, has tested positive for COVID-19 or is required to self isolate should stay at home and not attend the Church.